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What are we all enjoying this weekend?

The TV, movies, and comics that the Popverse team is planning on checking out this weekend

Illustrated comics panel of a bearded man in a throne talking to a soldier in a plumed hat
Image credit: Winsor McKay

Things have been heating up in the Popverse offices with last week's launch of our brand new live show Enter the Popverse, hosted by Popverse's very own Ashley V. Robinson. So, first things first, if you're looking for a cool pop culture news show to check out this weekend, watch Ashley talk about her new show here:

As for us, we'll be watching live, so we'll tune in to some other stuff this weekend. Check out what we're checking out below, and feel free to read/watch along with us. If you want to learn more about the Popverse team's taste, check out our favorite movies, TV shows, and comics of 2022. And if you've got something that you're excited to check out this weekend, comment below and let us know.

Ashley V. Robinson (Video Producer):

Black cover with white threads and orange text that reads Gone Girl Gillian FLynn
Image credit: Crown Publishing Group

It’s Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania-mania all weekend long! This is my first weekend in a while where I won’t be working so you’ll get a glimpse into my psyche a bit. I’ve just begun reading Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl. Have no fear, I saw the film when Ben Affleck got his hands on it. There is no real mystery to be had for Ashley! However, along with Sharp Objects, this book has been floating near the top of my TBR pile for quite some time. I’m looking forward to reading through the twists and turns for the first time.

I’ve also enjoyed getting into Mario Party and Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch. No solid plans as I sit writing this, though I am confident some gaming will be had over the weekend.

Chris Arrant (Editor in Chief):

After having completed a Lord of the Rings re-watch earlier this year, my wife and I will be delving into The Hobbit movies this weekend. Unlike Lord of the Rings, I’ve only seen it in theaters so I imagine there’ll be a lot of faint remembrances and puzzlement to watching it again in one concentrated burst. And that’s before mentioning the inevitable tweaked and new scenes Peter Jackson has probably added.

Other than that, we are getting outside for a planned trip to a nearby aquarium that’s less (sea creatures you see underwater in glass tanks) and more a fish zoo, with seals, turtles, and some dolphins. After that, we are re-visiting a nearby rookery to take in nature (and hopefully take some bird photos that would do fellow ornithologists Stuart and Kathryn Immonen proud.

Graeme McMillan (Staff Writer):

If there’s one thing I’ve been looking forward to all week, it’s the chance to return to watching the Rocky movies as quickly as humanly possible. I’d be lying if I’d said that I had any particularly strong nostalgia for the Sylvester Stallone-written (and, for a number of entries, -directed as well) movie franchise but for whatever reason, I ended up rewatching the 1976 original last weekend for the first time in decades and loved it: it’s a really well done, surprisingly gritty (or, perhaps gritty-adjacent) drama that’s less about boxing and more about this guy trying to find a way through his life when he thinks he’s all washed-up. Even better: the sequel from 1979 is the perfect follow-up!

After this, there’s no way I could resist just going through the rest of the series, up to and including the Creed movies. So, that’s my current pop culture obsession, and it’s one that I’m happily following through.

Illustrated cover of a group of young women with a title that reads Forest Hills Bootleg Society
Image credit: Simon and Shuster
Tiffany Babb (Deputy Editor):

This weekend, I am continuing my Black Sails rewatch. But when I'm not watching scheming pirates bludgeon each other, I will be catching up on some of kid/YA comics that have been piling up on my nightstand including the upcoming Rex Ogle and Dave Valeza's Four Eyes and K. O'Neill's The Moth Keeper, as well as Nicole Goux and Dave Baker's beautiful YA graphic novel Forest Hills Bootleg Society (which I started a while ago, but never had a chance to finish).

Veronica Valencia (Video Editor/Admin):

This weekend I am very excited to be attending MagicCon: Philadelphia! I have always been interested in live events and the convention space and have attended many comic and anime shows throughout the years. Last year I attended PAX Unplugged (which was awesome and I'd HIGHLY recommend going if anyone is into table top gaming, RPG's, indie games etc...),

and PAX was my first introduction into the gaming side of events which again, was super cool for me because table top gaming is my jam! I'm super interested in seeing all of the exhibitors and can just imagine the huge halls filled with tables with ongoing tournaments throughout the day. It's going to be an eventful weekend for sure and I'll keep you posted of all the cool things I see

What are you checking out this weekend? Comment below, and let us know!

Calvin & Hobbes' Bill Watterson is returning to comics for "a fable for grown-ups"

Tiffany Babb

Tiffany Babb: Tiffany Babb is a professional lurker (aka critic) who once served as Popverse’s deputy editor and resident Sondheim enthusiast.


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