Lazarus Planet
A team-up of godly proportions: How Revenge of the Gods brought Wonder Woman and Shazam together
Though Lazarus Planet may have ended in February, its larger impact is felt in the miniseries Revenge of the Gods
April 25, 2023
Sam Stone
Lazarus rising: Mark Waid launches 2023 with DC’s Lazarus Planet
The first DC crossover event of 2023 is here with Lazarus Planet. Creator Mark Waid discusses the cataclysmic opening issue for sweeping storyline.
January 23, 2023
Sam Stone
DC's Lazarus Planet event adds an all-new sequel event, Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods
Wonder Woman and Shazam headline the four-issue miniseries launching in March
December 02, 2022
Graeme McMillan