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NYCC 2021 | Comedy Central’s Fairview and Washingtonia

Fri, Oct 8, 2021 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM Room 411

Comedy Central’s Fairview and Washingtonia – A moderated conversation with producers and voice talent from the original and upcoming animated projects “Fairview” and “Washingtonia” premiering on Comedy Central this fall. “Fairview” is a weekly, hyper-topical, half-hour adult animated show about how national politics causes wild small-town drama in the Natty Light-chugging, grocery store parking lot-fighting, public urinating town of Fairview through the lens of its sloppy party girl turned pragmatic mayor Kelly Sampson. “Washingtonia” is an animated story of a rising political star and his deeply incompetent staff navigating the way deeper incompetence of Washington.

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