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Former DC publisher Dan DiDio talks about his DC past and his future with Frank Miller

Dan Didio chats with Popverse about the hopes for Frank Miller Presents

Among the annals of comics history, there’s obviously a few names that stand out when it comes to the publishing side of things. If you’ve been lucky enough to come on the roller coaster ride of comics publishing within the last 30 years or so, however, one of the first names that comes to mind is that of now co-founder of Frank Miller Presents and former DC Comics publisher, Dan Didio. Having stepped away from DC during the peak of the pandemic, Didio has moved on the grander dreams and, with a grin on his face behind is table at a Galaxy Con recently, was ready and happy to talk with Popverse about where those dreams are headed and how the past is something best left behind if we want to stay curious.

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Chloe Maveal

Chloe Maveal: Chloe Maveal is the Editor-In-Chief of the guerilla website The Gutter Review, and is a freelance essayist who specializes in British comics, pop culture history, and the subversive qualities of “trashy” media. Their work has been featured all over the internet with bylines in 2000 AD, The Treasury of British Comics, Publishers Weekly, Polygon, Comics Beat, and many others.


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