Luke Cage
How to watch Marvel Studios ’s Defenders in release and chronological order, from Daredevil to Jessica Jones and more
Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist! Want to get started on Marvel’s Netflix shows? Here’s how to do it!
April 29, 2024
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Bald Cap methods for cosplayers and makeup testers
Here is a tutorial all about bald caps and how best to apply them!
January 31, 2024
Trent Cannon
Spoilers!Marvel's Captain America gets the Batman: Dark Knight Returns treatment with Avengers: Twilight
Avengers: Twilight is Marvel’s version of The Dark Knight Returns, featuring an aged Captain America fighting in a dystopian future.
January 31, 2024
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Get ready to rumble!Marvel's X-Men vs. Avengers: The top battles for supremacy inside the Marvel Universe
The greatest battles between the X-Men and the Avengers
January 30, 2024
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
Marvel Studios just officially pushed Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Agents of SHIELD, and other pre-Disney+ out of continuity
Are Marvel’s ABC and Netflix shows MCU canon? Here’s what their official timeline book says.
November 28, 2023
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
NYC mayor Luke Cage to dispense street justice to save his city in new solo series
Luke Cage gets his own solo book, just in time to save New York City
October 24, 2023
Chris Arrant
Marvel's New York City: The five best places to get a slice of pizza
Don't be like Luke Cage. Show your pizza some respect.
September 19, 2023
Alex Jaffe
Marvel Comics' Gang War crossover event: Spider-Man, Elektra, Luke Cage, and more team-up to save NYC
Everything you need to know about Marvel Comics' upcoming 'Gang War' event
July 23, 2023
Chris Arrant
Spoilers!The Marvel Universe has its own fight club, with its own special rules
Get the inside scoop on the Marvel Universe fight club, its exclusive membership, and rules
March 22, 2023
Joshua Lapin-Bertone
New York City, Luke Cage is your new mayor... and his first act is to give you your own superhero team
Inside the stunning turn of events which has made Luke Cage mayor of Marvel's New York City
June 08, 2022
Rebecca Oliver Kaplan