Kendra Beltran
The enduring (and cooky) appeal of The Addams Family movies of the '90s
Addams Family is the kind of family values we admire.
February 09, 2024
Kendra Beltran
Bebe's Kids is a beacon for Black Animation, back in 1992 when released and today
Bebe’s Kids and the iIntegral role it played in Black animation
February 02, 2024
Kendra Beltran
Boo, Barbie: Let these dolled-up cosplayers inspire your Halloween costume
These Barbie cosplayers know the doll's impeccable fashion choices!
October 25, 2023
Kendra Beltran
Barbie: The cosplayers who celebrate Mattel's iconic doll-turned-movie-star
These Barbie cosplayers know the doll's impeccable fashion choices!
August 17, 2023
Kendra Beltran
Are You Afraid of the Dark eased a generation into horror
The impact of Are You Afraid of the Dark 30 years later: Are You Afraid of the Dark helped a generation embrace the beauty of horror after school one campfire tale at a time.
August 31, 2022
Kendra Beltran
Plus size cosplayers find confidence in cosplaying
These cosplayers show that cosplay is for everyone, regardless of race, gender, and size.
August 04, 2022
Kendra Beltran
Steve from Blue's Clues, the hero no one knew they needed
Blues Clues' Steve Is a reminder good still exists in the world
June 29, 2022
Kendra Beltran
John Cena's WWE past made Peacemaker a perfect match
Diving into John Cena's WWE past and why it made him perfect for HBO Max's Peacemaker
June 10, 2022
Kendra Beltran
Disney's Hercules cosplayers celebrate 25th anniversary
These cosplayers put the "glad" in "gladiator" with their Disney cosplays!
June 10, 2022
Kendra Beltran
Hunger Games cosplays to celebrate the film's 10th anniversary
The Hunger Games film series turns 10 this year and we are celebrating with these 13 incredible cosplayers.
March 23, 2022
Kendra Beltran
Black cosplayers on characters and representation In pop culture media
Cosplayers are standing up for more Black-centric pop culture in media.
February 28, 2022
Kendra Beltran
These Cosplay Couples Share The Love This Valentines Day
Couples that cosplay together, slay together.
February 14, 2022
Kendra Beltran
Cosplay & cultural appropriation: avoiding stereotypes and racism in costuming communities
Five cosplayers discuss appropriation and costuming while cosplaying and during Halloween season.
October 26, 2020
Kendra Beltran